Get accurate answers faster

Narrator allows you to answer questions faster by decreasing the work needed to translate questions, model, and interpret data.

Trusted by the best companies in the world

Going from question to answer takes a ton of time and resources

To answer a single question: an analyst need to translate the question into a data question, a data engineer needs to model the data with SQL, and finally a BI engineer needs to build a dashboard to answer the question.

Then, all 3 need to do it again and again until the stakeholder gets what they want.

This sucks for everyone

  • Stakeholders are blocked from making decisions
  • Data analysts are blocked by data engineering
  • Data engineers are frustrated building and maintaining more data models
  • BI engineers have to write hundreds of lines of hacky SQL
  • And everyone is demoralized by having to go through the process over and over again
Narrator is built for analysts to get any answer in minutes!
With Narrator you can iterate 10x faster, re-model data, and cleanly slice and dice data in seconds.

It takes an analyst 5 minutes to answer any question in Narrator

Easily represent stakeholder questions as data questions
Slice and dice data instantly
Visualize, materialize, or share in only a few clicks
Try it yourself: Ask us anything

Answer any question combining multiple data sources in minutes

“If a customer opens a marketing email, how likely are they to buy our product?”

Answer followup questions as quickly as you think of them

“If a customer opens a marketing email and starts a web session within 30 minutes, how likely are they to buy our product that day?”

Send your work anywhere immediately

“How does Narrator integrate with my existing data stack?”

Right-click to see who makes up any number

“Who were the specific customers who closed in April?”

Accelerate your decision-making with automated analyses

“Does the email campaign even matter?”

Any answer can be delivered in any way the stakeholder wants

Narrator is all about speed. You can create visualizations, dashboards, reports, and tables in Narrator, but also send the data to any other system that you currently use.

Learn more about Powering BI
What makes Narrator different?
Narrator is only possible because of the Activity Schema. We reimagined how data is structured and queried so we can build a tool that is flexible enough to answer any question.

How Narrator fits in your day to day workflows

Gold Standard Security

Security at Narrator is not an afterthought — we design and build for it through every stage of our process.

Learn more

We build for compliance with:

  • SOC2 Type II
  • GDPR
Learn more

Don’t take our word for it. See what our clients say.

“We use Narrator as our first stop for any ad-hoc exploratory analysis. We’re able to go back and forth with requests and follow-up questions a lot faster. Whenever we have an inkling of something that could be interesting to look into, the team will open Narrator, build a quick dataset, and analyze the influence of that variable to see if it’s worth spending any time on it.”

Daniel Gremmell

Head of Data at Policygenius

"I feel like I can do my job so much better. Having all this extra time back gives me the time to do the extra things I want to do on top of what’s expected of me in my role"

Sydney Reeves

Senior Data Analyst

Take a look at our latest articles and resources

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